Panel 1: A close-up of Xi, seen from the side. She’s looking up, lost in thought. She says “You know how blind characters in fiction tend to have…like, something else?”
Panel 2: Same close-up, but now Xi is looking straight forward, frowning a bit. She says “Like…to compensate for their blindness or something?”
Panel 3: A picture of Daredevil, with his radar sense depicted in the background. Xi (off panel) says “It’s always some sort of extra sense…”
Panel 4: A picture of Geordi wearing his VISOR, a device that goes over his eyes to give him the sense of sight. The holodeck from Star Trek is depicted in the background. Xi (off panel) says “or a special device…”
Panel 5: A close-up of Toph’s feet, with the ground cracking underneath. Xi (off panel) says “it’s not necessarily bad, but it is worth noting.”
Panel 6: Sigma’s apartment. Xi is sitting on the sofa while Sigma is lying across it, his head resting on Xi’s lap. Xi looks down at Sigma while playing with his hair and says “So, what’s your superpower?”. Sigma says “Uhh…having superhuman charm?”, to which Xi replies “Nice try”